The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2866312
Posted By: Sawzaw
17-Mar-10 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Coming from the colige edjucaited, professor of crapology, the man that thinks Gaza is the most densely populated place on earth and Obama bought his own "beater" airplane, Bobert has less credibility than a used camel salesman in Tehran.

I presented the numbers from a left leaning newspaper.

You can mumble about right wing blogs all you want if it helps you to ignore the facts.

March 17th, 2010
Obama Goes Upside Down in Gallup Tracking

A rather dramatic swing in the Gallup Daily Tracking poll has put President Obama's job rating upside down for the first time, with more Americans now disapproving of job he's doing than approving. According to today's numbers, which represent a rolling average of surveys taken over the past three days, 47% say they disapprove of Obama while 46% approve. That's a net five-point change from yesterday's reading of 48% approve and 44% disapprove, which is a pretty substantial move for a tracking poll. It means the President probably suffered a combination of a good day of polling dropping off the back end of the rolling average while adding a bad day of polling to the front end.