The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2866660
Posted By: Joe Offer
18-Mar-10 - 04:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
There is NO church, in ANY country, which is blameless. A crime is a crime.

And there is no family that is blameless, no school, no government agency, no children's organization, no political persuasion. Child abuse happens everywhere, and it's often covered up or not believed. There is no doubt that it's a horrible crime, and it happens far more often than it should. And it certainly should not happen in a church.

So, hey, does anybody have any really good ideas on how to detect and solve the problem of child molestation? Or is it easier just to point the finger of blame instead of showing compassion for the victims and actually doing something positive to end this plague of child molestation?

If you're going to use phrases like stinking church, this cesspit of mutually protective vested interests, would you care to tell us what YOU have ever done to prevent child molestation?

Yes, it's true that some priests molest children, and some bishops cover up crimes because it's the easy way out and because it protects their interests as "upper management." Some parents molest and abuse children. Some coaches do. Some Scout leaders do. Some uncles do. Some law enforcement officers do (a surprisingly large number). Most don't.

So, quit your fucking bigotry and find a solution to the problem, willya?

And the ugly truth is that there is no solution to this problem. NOBODY knows how to deal with it.

-Joe Offer, who has actually investigated child molesters and barred them from volunteer and paid positions-