The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128206   Message #2867657
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
19-Mar-10 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: What is the future of folk music?
Subject: RE: What is the future of folk music?
My youngest (24 years old now!) twins are really heavily into folk music. They both loved Goth and Emo until a few years ago when they just seem to switch overnight. Their collection has far exceeded mine and the scope covers some traditional stuff that I found too heavy myself! Maybe it is the trad. ballads that attracted their attention when in the doom and gloom stage:-)

I am pretty sure they would have heard of it even if I was not around but them coming along to festvals and clubs certainly opened a lot of doors for them. Reciprocaly I have been introduced to artists I may not have heard if not for them and that, in turn, has affected my tastes!

I have every faith that folk music (whatever it is - don't start that again!) will survive. Maybe not as we know it at times but it will go on as long as people want to sing:-)

