The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51778   Message #2869020
Posted By: Ross Campbell
21-Mar-10 - 11:14 PM
Thread Name: Is this acceptable when busking?
Subject: RE: Is this acceptable when busking?
Re "Agressive street entertainers".

I was amazed yesterday while wandering along Sydney's Circular Quay (Sunday afternoon, lots of relaxed, amenable people about) to see a street entertainer berating his potential audience to the extent that both parties got up and walked off. He had carefully laid out his props on the promenade area, while trying to cajole spectators comfortably ensconced on the raised lawns to gather round. When he was ready to begin, he continued to plead unsuccessfully for the audience to come in closer. Eventually he threatened to pack up and go if people really weren't interested. As no further response came from the forty or fifty people who could quite happily have viewed his act from where they sat, he got really angry, informing us of how he had performed all over Europe and America and had come back home to Australia in hopes of at least making a living from his performing skills. While venting this tirade, he gradually packed up his gear, and stormed off leaving some very puzzled people behind. So we never found out what exactly his act was.

Or perhaps we missed the point, and that WAS his act? But I can't work out how he made his money, as he never got to the "bottling" stage.
