The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51778   Message #2869031
Posted By: GUEST,Sqezy
22-Mar-10 - 12:13 AM
Thread Name: Is this acceptable when busking?
Subject: RE: Is this acceptable when busking?
I saw a guy sitting on the pavement one day with a large amp, microphone, battery and a sign saying will play for pay. I walked up to him and asked him what the score was and we entered into a strange situation where he was trying to sell me his performance. I liked his attitude and, after some frankly fierce negotiation we made an agreement, I paid him £2 for a song.
I was then surprised to find that the amp folded out and lights flashed as he rapped along to a drum machine for about 3 min's, he was really good and soon a crowd had gathered, but when he stopped he wouldn't start again until someone else paid him. I spoke to him again afterward and he told me he had traveled the world in this way, and was from Ethiopia originally. As I was walking away from the guy again a crowd was forming and a large group of young women all with notes in their hands waving at him, I think he did well that day.