The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2870049
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Mar-10 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
A great many liberals and progressives did not support the bill, Sawzaw, because they felt it didn't go far enough and that it was a giveaway to the insurance companies (which it is).

Therefore I think it probable that about half of that 60% you refer to in the polls were people who disagree radically with the conservative viewpoint that I presume you espouse, and who opposed the bill for the diametrically opposite reason: not because they thought it was a government takeover, but because they were bitterly disappointed that it did not provide universal healthcare and did not bring in a public option such as exists in virtually every other country in the developed world now.

That's why Dennis Kucinich was opposed to the bill. That's why Michael Moore is disgusted with it. That's why I'm disgusted with it.

Nevertheless, Kucinich, Moore, and many others like them finally came to the conclusion that the bill as it exists was better than no changes at all, therefore they gave it their unenthusiastic endorsement.

I think you are misinterpreting the poll results to mean that everyone who didn't like the bill thinks the same way. I very much doubt that is the case.

There are huge reasons for liberals and progressives to be very disappointed in this bill's failure to provide a universal public health system...but it's still better than nothing.