The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128242   Message #2870083
Posted By: EBarnacle
23-Mar-10 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seeger Smothers Party- Left=right?
Subject: RE: BS: Seeger Smothers Party- Left=right?
Geeziz Conrad.....Are you really this friggin' stupid? Tell me its all an act huh? Damn............

"the question is did pete or smothers ever refuse to have a person from pro war persepctive or for that matter anti communist perspective on the same stage/programme?"

Spaw, Conrad, funny that you should mention this.

I am involved in a situation with an organization with Pete and at present there is a heated discussion over whether or not to hire the Barraoille Whalers for our festival. Basically it is a discussion over whether to hire people who have peformed politically incorrect acts, from which they have retired, or to exclude them from performing at the festival.

The PC's do not want them because they are controversial. It is being couched as a matter of avoiding protest and keeping ticket sales up. Those of us who support hiring them consider that many primay sources are politically incorrect but that their value as primary sources outweighs their controversiality.

The Festival Director decided to hire them.

Back to the point: Would a right wing group, such as the Tea Baggers or fundamentalist Republicans [Yes, I know that is more than a little redundant.] hire someone who does not follow their political line to perform at one of their fund raising events?