The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128242   Message #2870322
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Mar-10 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seeger Smothers Party- Left=right?
Subject: RE: BS: Seeger Smothers Party- Left=right?
"there are more love songs than any other type. Should they always be balanced with hate songs?"

Abso-fuckin'-LUTELY!!! ;-) Of course! Let's have equal time for hate songs.

Consider, for example, this great hate song by Howling Eddie Cranshow:

Scum Are Only Scum! ( a mild protest song)

I play in all the street fairs
I fiddle and I hum
With my gitbox and fiddle
Which clearly pleases some
It pleases all the old folk
And it pleases homeless bums
But the ones it doesn't please
Are the bloody fecking scum!

Because scum are only scum
They're ugly and they're daft
They know they're only scum
Without artistic craft
They're rotten stinking bleeders
Who all should get the shaft!
Yes, scum are rotten scum
They're rotten fecking scum
Let's toss 'em in the Channel
And provide no bloody raft!

Scum are fecking losers
Scum are stupid sods
If I could get me hands on them
I'd give 'em all the rod
I'd punch their ugly faces
I'd call 'em nasty names
I'd tell 'em all to go to hell
I'd set 'em all aflame

Because scum are only scum
They're ugly and they're daft
They know they're only scum
Without artistic craft
They're rotten stinking bleeders
Who all should get the shaft!
Yes, scum are rotten scum
They're rotten fecking scum
Let's toss 'em in the Channel
And provide no bloody raft!

Scum are stupid useless gits
Scum are bloody fools
They stand on other people's toes
They break Queensberry's rules
They will not share a bit of bread
They don't respect the poor
They eat in fancy restaurants
And act like bloody boors

Because scum are only scum
They're ugly and they're daft
They know they're only scum
Without artistic craft
They're rotten stinking bleeders
Who all should get the shaft!
Yes, scum are rotten scum
They're rotten fecking scum
Let's toss 'em in the Channel
And provide no bloody raft!

Don't dare to come around near me
If you're a bleedin' scum
For if you do I'll take my shoe
And plant it up your bum!
You might think that I'm helpless
You'll find I'm bloody not!
I'll box your ears and black your eyes
You rotten scummy sot!

Because scum are only scum
They're ugly and they're daft
They know they're only scum
Without artistic craft
They're rotten stinking bleeders
Who all should get the shaft!
Yes, scum are rotten scum
They're rotten fecking scum
Let's toss 'em in the Channel
And provide no bloody raft!

I wish these rotten scum would die
And leave good folks alone
They poison every public place
'Cause they're got hearts of stone
Their lifestyle is contemptible
Their manners are obscene
They've all got little beady eyes
And their tongues are coated green!

Yes, scum are only scum
They're ugly and they're daft
They know they're only scum
Without artistic craft
They're rotten stinking bleeders
Who all should get the shaft!
Yes, scum are rotten scum
They're rotten fecking scum
Let's toss 'em in the Channel
And provide no bloody raft!

Howling Eddie Cranshaw, Folkways of East Anglia 2009

The above dialectic appears to be aimed primarily at "upper class twits" and the like, people who are roundly despised by Howling Eddie, a man who is proud of his humble working class roots and not afraid to drop his aitches in polite company...