The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24827   Message #287116
Posted By: Groucho Marxist (inactive)
29-Aug-00 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: Evil corporate music industry
Subject: RE: Evil corporate music industry

The complaints that I've heard from several of my friends who have recorded for Green Linnet, and which the Kennedys write about on their site, is not about compilations. It is about the artists own albums.

It seems that when Green Linnet decides not to make any more CDs with a specific artist or group, they just stop paying them their contractually due royalties.

The Kennedys have gone public about this, which is why I've mentioned them by name and provided a link to their report. However, I've privately heard similar stories from about half a dozen other artists or groups about their dealings with Green Linnet.

Sometimes these "nice" little labels are as sleazy as the corporate giants. Or maybe even more so because they pretend that they're your friends while they rip you off.
