The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127851   Message #2871890
Posted By: VirginiaTam
25-Mar-10 - 05:46 PM
Thread Name: Kendall's new thread -Update - procedure May 6th
Subject: RE: Kendall's new thread -Update Good news from Dr. Z!
Is the giraffe really silent or does the sound just dissipate as it has to travel long distance?

Kendall and Jacqui - It has been a long hard slog for you both. I have only been reading a small portion of what you both have had to contend with and sometimes just thinking about it exhausts me.

I am glad I have come to know you both a bit. I hope to know you even more and I am tickled with this good news.

I know the talking at normal conversation level is a true miracle, but I hope you never give up hope to sing again Kendall.