The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2871961
Posted By: LilyFestre
25-Mar-10 - 07:00 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre - Port is 'on board' chemo continues
A road trip with Mary and Jacqui? That sounds like a blast!!!!!!   Micca, how lucky are YOU?!?!? I have a picture of riding along with you two and it makes me smile in a big way!!!!!

About Pete's cold. Yep. I immune system is down (actually right now it's on the upswing...but still down from normal). He's just as worried about it as I am. We both wash our hands frequently and since he's started sniffling, he sleeps in another room and will only kiss me on the cheek.

It's been kind of a dreary day here so I went to hang out with Mom for the day. She was hanging new curtains and I helped her with some of the higher stuff where we needed a chair to reach. I can climb...her, not so much. We made soup, gabbed, took naps and played with the dog. I'm pretty tired today...maybe the chemo, maybe the weather...who I indulged in being kinda lazy today. I did do a little bit of grocery shopping, got the dishes done and another load of laundry now needs to be folded and put away.

6 more days to my half-way (chemo) point!!!! YAY!!!!

Time to make dinner....was thinking fish on the grill but it's raining and cold so I'm making spaghetti to warm our bellies.
