The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115691   Message #2873548
Posted By: vectis
27-Mar-10 - 06:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa, My Pressie has arrived
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa, My Pressie has arrived
Hi Jacqui

I got my beeeeeaaaauuuutiful shawl today from MGAS. It is truly stunning.

Thank you so much it will be one of my treasured posessions that will go with me when i move Dahn Under.

Thank you for all my wonderful pressies. I still love the look on people's faces when they pull up behind me and do a double take at the nodding moose in my car's back window. You can almost see the thought processes...
"Hey lookit that weird dog"
"That's no dog"
"Whassit then"
"Deer, moose maybe?"
"Don't get many of them in Sussex."

The lobster cruets raise a few giggles when they go on the table too.

Thank you for being such a good santa.

Maybe see you both this summer.
