The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126147   Message #2875379
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
30-Mar-10 - 04:45 AM
Thread Name: Licensing consultation announced!
Subject: RE: Licensing consultation announced!
From the S182 Guidance Where there is any indication that events are being deterred by licensing requirements, statements of licensing policy should be re-visited with a view to investigating how the situation might be reversed.

From the LACORS guidance Whilst the Government's Guidance accompanying the Licensing Act 2003 indicates some other factors which may influence decisions (e.g. live music / cultural considerations) these will always be subservient to the Licensing Objectives and the Licensing Policy Statement.

How can these two pieces of guidance/advice be reconciled?

What authority has LACORS to advise local authority employees and councillors, that LACORS advice will take priority over what appears in the Statutory S 182 Guidance?

Why will local authority employees willingly follow LACORS advice when they do not follow the will of Parliament and the words of Government Ministers and what does this situation say about our so called-democratic processes?

Is this a mess or is this a mess?