The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73733   Message #2875421
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
30-Mar-10 - 06:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nazi salute in church
Subject: RE: BS: Nazi salute in church
When I was in New Zealand recently, the cathedral in Christchurch has swastikas as part of a frame around some memorial or other. No idea if it is a Catholic or Protestant cathedral, just noted the swastikas when having a look around when the missus was bell ringing there.

Nazi salute? I am sure somebody will have poked this fun already but I haven't read every post in this thread. I assume it was introduced in homage to the present Pope, a bit of nostalgia for him. he loved his faith so much he felt it more useful to be a Nazi member than stand up for whatever it is Christians reckon they stand for...

No hypocrisy there then.....

Me? I stand to have a pee and prop the bar up. The thought of Godbotherers giving the old Seig heil! makes me chuckle though. Especially if they are uncomfortable with it but don't want to offend the priest in case he buggers their offspring. zzzzzzzzz