The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2875827
Posted By: GUEST,CS
30-Mar-10 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
"Thank you for making the important distinction between paedophilia and child molestation,"

Hi Smokey - I worked (as a volunteer) for a time in a centre for adult survivors of abuse. I heard stories from heartbroken parents laden with guilt simply at experiencing sexual feelings in response to changing or bathing their infants.. Imagine being a *genuinely* loving parent confronted with such a thing in oneself? How troubling and horrifying that would be?
Would you indulge that feeling if you truly loved your child? I believe not.

As I've said previously, I was sexually assaulted by adults as a child. Fortunately for me, I've not suffered the same kind of psycho-sexual damage that some survivors have, which leads them to be sexually attracted to children themselves. Others do of course, and some pathetic entities choose to indulge their proclivities - but my guess is from my own discussions with other survivors, that there may potentially be just as many who decide not too.

Unfortunately these "good, decent" voices, are unlikely to ever be heard because of the associated filth that do cynically decide to seek out child victims to gratify their sexual dysfunction.