The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128333   Message #2876448
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
31-Mar-10 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Republican Waterloo? Health Care?
Subject: RE: BS: Republican Waterloo? Health Care?
From the other side of the pond I am getting more and more appaled by the wilder claimes of the republican extemists opposed to the bill. I am close to a lot of people over there and cannot believe that any of you would believe some of teh rubbish we are hearing via our news.

The UK health service lets old people die because it cannot afford to keep them alive. Oh yea? My Dad, 87 year old Polish war veteran been in this country since 1945 is just out of hospital. He had a problem a week last Monday. We took him to casualty. They kept him in and sorted the problem, have arranged health care and social work visits and he was discharged Monday just gone only when they were happy he was well enough to be let out. How much? Free. Any hastle or questions about age? No.

The UK health serveice lets children die because they have not contributed to the system. My nephew was born too early and suffered brain damage. The local childrens hospital worked absolute wonders to keep him alive and make sure he could live life to teh full. He is now over 30 and although he will never be 'normal' he has had had a full and useful time with all the help and support he and his parents could ever want. How much? Nothing? Any question of them 'turning support off' - either life support or support later? None.

The UK health service only treats major ilnesses. Minor ones are left unchecked. I have had polyps removed twice - Once privately and once on the health service. I have not had a problem since the health service procedure. I only waited about 4 weeks. The doctors see millions of people every week and treat everything from common colds to chilblains. No charge for any of it. No matter how major or minor. No matter how young or old the patient. No matter how often it happens.

When your Repuplicans tell you it is not working in the UK, I recommend you tell them it is not perfect. But it is a damn site better than they are suggesting.
