The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2878741
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Apr-10 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
"How's this for a credible and unbiased opening paragraph?"
What planet do you occupy?
The mythology of the 'black rapist' fed many of the lynchings in the southern US (did you never hear of the 'Scotsboro Boys' incident and many hundreds like it that were grimly envisioned in Billie Holliday's 'Strange fruit') and continues to be bogey man there and here in the UK "Coming over here to take our jobs and women..." It is these that have fed the propaganda machine of the BNP and The Klan down the decades - "Half baked opinions and propaganda." get real.
Likewise, the image of Jews kidnapping children to use in their 'human sacrifices' has been part of our culture at least since the time of 'Hugh of Lincoln' and, like with the black southerners, has fed many pogroms throughout the Western world.
"I dont believe there is a problem with homosexual abuse in the services and I hardly think it is fair to bring the fantasies of children into your grubby attempt at defending your stance."
Same sex liasons have longg been recognised facts within any single-sex circumstances; the merchant navy is well known for it as are public boarding schools.
I was fascinated to see your interpretation of is as "homosexual abuse", nobody but yourself has described it as such - it has nothing to do with either 'homosexuality' nor 'abuse' - it is usually consentual and experimental opportunism practiced by those deprived of the company of other sexes, and widely accepted as such, apart from by people like yourself with your 'lynch mob' mentality.
As for my "grubby attempt at defending your stance", it is you who has used the suffering of children to espouse you bigotry against a way of life which is now accepted throughout the civilised world. Your disingenuity is underlined by continually refusing to address the questions raised here.
I repeat WHERE DO THE ACCOMLICES TO THE ABUSE WITHIN THE CHURCH stand in all this - are they not part of the problem that will be 'solved' by removing the celibacy rule and if so, how will they be 'solved'.
Jim Carroll