The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2878800
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Apr-10 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
"The only question which requires an answer is, "why is there so much homosexual abuse in the Catholic Church""
No - that's the only question you choose to address - the rest you choose to ignore.
You have my answer with the public school, prison, services analogy, which you have carefully ignored. - now let's hear yours.
Perhaps you can tell us why 'The Catholic Church "is affording homosexuals and paedophiles a safe haven to commit crimes" - I'm sure there are many devout Catholics who would be interested in your answer.
You have never told us your religious inclinations; do I hear the sound of the cock crowing thrice?
Your postings are very reminiscent of the hypocricy that cast down practicers of sex outside marriage, whatever form it took, into the fiery pit while it was rampant within the ranks of the clergy, protected by the silence of their fellow clergymen and colluded in by the hierarchy.   
Jim Carroll