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Thread #128156   Message #2879695
Posted By: GUEST,mg
04-Apr-10 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
I think you are dead wrong about Andrew Sullivan. He is one journalist that I follow. He is an anguished Catholic. He is not trying to sell stuff. He is a gay anguished Catholic who calls himself a sinner. I don't personally think he goes for cheap shots. He seems quite rational to me, but he is a like a dog on a bone. He is not going to let go of this, for reasons that I think are highly moral and not for his career or whatever. Let's find another scapegoat instead of him..and no one is putting down the decent and heroic people who are doing all sorts of good deeds..and quite likely the pedophiles did many good deeds too.

And I think we have to stand and be counted here. I think we must call for resignations, and I believe the pope's; it looks like John Paul II was involved in coverups so there goes his canonization as far as I am concerned although I liked him....I think we must insist on every known abuser meeting with experimental psychologists as well as others to determine what causes this. I think we must have our eyes wide open to this perhaps not being a problem of lonely, unsocialized repressed men and perhaps something more sinister. mg