The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2879731
Posted By: Ed T
04-Apr-10 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Research has demonstrated an association between child sexual abuse and a subsequent increase in rates of childhood and adult mental disorders.

People with a history of sexual abuse are much more likely to experience higher rates for childhood and adult mental disorders, personality disorders, anxiety disorders and major affective disorders post-traumatic stress disorder,    anxiety disorders, chronic depression, substance use problems, personality disorders,    suicidal tendencies, psychotic symptoms (e.g. delusions and hallucinations), low self-esteem, guilt and a feeling of being tainted, increased tendancies to do self-harm, dissociative disorders, difficulties in relationships and at work.

My rant:

So, if the RC church, and its members, do so much good in the world, why did they not reach out to those whom they knew were abused by RC priests? When those abused came forward, and as cases were confirmed, why did the church and its members not proactively offer sympathy, compassion and professional treatment?

My observation was the abyse claims were first ignored, then doubted and the victims were publically marginalized, attempts were made to cover-up the crimes…in some cases the victims were blamed for the abuse….attempts were made to belittle the seriousness of the offenses (for example, through using population statistics, and by saying they were not children when the offenses occured, but prepubscent young people). When they took actions through the courts…the church and many members blamed the victims for the financial results on the local churches. ...and still do (if they could take an objective view).

So….where were these good caring people…reaching out with compassion to help heal and treat those subjected to chuld abuse under the hand of those in a position of authority inside the RC church?

It may be that other organizations (and those involving other clerics) did no better when it comes to reaching out and helping to heal those impacted by child sex abuse, at their institutions hands. But, many of these groups do not have members agressively defending and "selling the brand" of the good works their organization and membership do in the world.

Some information on the impacts of child sexual abuse: