The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24868   Message #288008
Posted By: Peg
30-Aug-00 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: Household Folklore and Tips
Subject: RE: Household Folklore and Tips
add water to your commercial cleaning products that are water-based (window cleaners, dish-soap, floor soap, etc.) They will last longer and be far less toxic in your home environment. (and they will work just as well).

To freshen, hydrate and decontaminate stale indoors winter air in your home, boil a pot of water on the stove. Add any of the folloing in any combination: orange peels, lemon peels, grapefruit peels, cinnamon sticks, allspice berries, dried rosemary, nutmeg. This cleanses germs and odors from the sir, adds moisture taken out from indoor heating, and smells aromatherapy converts can add a few drops of essential oils, too: the citrus ones are especially nice and inexpensive...

Baking soda is amazing. It is a fine replacement for abrasive ammonia cleansers for porcelain tubs and sinks and for stoves or stainless steel sinks too. It cuts grease quite well, too, with hot water. I sprinkle it on the floor when I am scrubbing it. You can also add it to the kitty litter box for added odor absorption. Also the vinegar and baking soda drain cleaning does work!!!

if your kitties have worms, add some ground up pumpkin seeds to their wet food...if you have time and inclination, feeding them an all-natural raw meat diet is best to prevent this (cooked commercial foods weaken their immunity to parasites found in raw meat, ironically)

If you know anyone with a quince tree (I have on ein my yard), a bowl of quinces placed on a table will keep for weeks and imbue the air with a wonderful fragrance: slightly sweet, autumnal, spicy...