The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2880487
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-Apr-10 - 03:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
"They "invented their own law as an alternative" passage is ludicrous."
The hierarchy of the church (including at least two popes) knew crimes were being committed yet they did not report them to the authorities - they moved the criminals on to commit further crimes - they forced the victims of those crimes to sign agreements not to speak about their experiences to anybody other than officers of the organisation that contrived in the committing of the abuses - not one of them has been prosecuted for collusion in those crimes.
Which part of this do you deny happened Joe, and if none, what other explanation do you have other than the existance of an organisation that considers itself above and not answerable to the law?
If it were employees in the education system who had acted in the above manner after having continuously and over a very long period sexually and physically abused the children in their care, would you be as understanding and ready to forgive as you apparently are of the clergy and hierarchy of the church?
So far you have:
Described the objectors to the rape and abuse of chidren as "religiphobes!"
Suggested that all homosexuals are potential paedophiles.
Described the church as providing a safe haven for "homosexuals and criminals"
Perhaps you would like to go for a 'full house' and tell us how guilty you believe the victims of these abuses were for the crimes committed against them?
"Regarding 'coverups' - we are only aware of the ones which failed."
No; we are only aware of the ones that have been investigated so far that have failed. The brief of the investigating bodies covered a very limited time period and a tiny number of dioceses, yet it is reported that these abuses certainly went back, at the very least to the end of the Second World War, possibly throughout the twentieth century and were widespread throughout the church.
The Government here has to date refused to investigate similar offences committed against young women who were sentenced by the authorities to work in the Magdelene Laundries - also run by the church.
Tip of the iceberg.
Jim Carroll