The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128552   Message #2880816
Posted By: Jack Campin
06-Apr-10 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: The song Jazzer sang on the Archers?
Subject: RE: The song Jazzer sang on the Archers?
She pointed me to contemporary sources of the Jacobite campaigns, in particular graphic descriptions of the slaughter at Culloden which every armchair BPC worshipper should be compelled to read.

I've probably read the same ones (and descriptions of the slaughter at Prestonpans, which I might have thought was more to the point). But so what? To decide whether a particular song is likely to be a rallying point for some violently reactionary present-day grouping, the history of two centuries ago is not that relevant - you need to know how present-day mass culture works. And it seems Tabor didn't inform you too well on that, if in fact she knew anything about modern Scotland.

Since at least Carlyle's time, the historic figure used as a rallying point by the Scottish far right has not been BPC, but Wallace. And songs haven't come into it to any significant degree (in Scots Wha Hae, Burns was writing in code about Thomas Muir, and the message seems to have got through to the fascists that that song is not one of theirs). When an Australian fascist film-maker gets hold of the Carlylean myth and spends millions going global with it, that is a matter of concern. Braveheart has got people hurt.