The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24894   Message #288210
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
30-Aug-00 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: Orange song sound files on line
Wow, Spaw, Conrad won't sleep tonight, with all that hell you've given him. And how old are you now?

Sinsull/Mary,I hadn't followed up those links, and don't suppose I will. But I take your point about monitoring. Seems a pity that it has to be so, but you can't do much about guests. Can't do much about Spaw for that matter.

I did go to the site Conrad gave. I read some of the text pages, and listened through all the songs and music. Can't say I took offence at anything there, though I happen to be at odds with the loyal orders on just about everything. The tone in which they explain their hostility to ecumenicalism is a bit disheartening, but I don't think you could say they are worse than the Holy Father in that respect. Let's hope it doesn't take Martin McGuinness too long to get rid of religiously segregated schooling in the north.

Annraoi, if there were a few more around with your generosity of spirit, the world would be a better place.