The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128665   Message #2882102
Posted By: pgoelz
08-Apr-10 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: Video from the 2nd No Exit on YouTube
Subject: Video from the 2nd No Exit on YouTube
Hello all,

Paul Goelz here. Just a heads up to anyone interested that I am in the process of digitizing and cleaning up a LOT of VHS videos I shot in the early 1980s in the Chicago area. I am currently working on video from the 2nd No Exit (at the N/E corner of Lunt and Glenwood) and have uploaded some already. If you search YouTube for my username "paulgoelz" you will come up with them as they are uploaded. The particular tape I am working on at present is from the 1981 Christmas party, and has a bunch of familiar faces. Jan and Anne Hills-Burda are processed and waiting to upload tonight. Anyone heard from Dave Porter lately? I have a great version of "What I Need Is A Crisis In My Life" in the processing que. I'd forgotten what a great songwriter he is.

Considering the fact that by 1981 camera standards there was next to no light in there, it is a tribute to modern processing that you can see ANYTHING. But it also slows things to a crawl..... by the time I add de-noising, level correction and mild sharpening, it takes about 15-20 minutes per minute of playing time to process these videos on a dual core 3GHz machine ;)

Enjoy! More to follow as I get things edited and rendered.
