The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128693   Message #2882719
Posted By: Raggytash
09-Apr-10 - 07:16 AM
Thread Name: Whitby Folk Boat Staithes Trip
Subject: Whitby Folk Boat Staithes Trip
Hi All

I have spoken to Brian Clarkson, Skipper/Owner of the Esk Belle and "chartered" the boat for the now annual trip to Staithes during Folk Week. We are to sail to Staithes (weather permitting) on Tuesday 24th August, boarding at 3.30, sailing at 3.45. We should arrive in Staithes at about 5pm for an hour ashore, return sailing leaving Staithes at 6pm arriving Whitby about 7pm. Singing and playing all the way, and hopefully raising a bob or two for the Runswick Bay Rescue Boat. As always tickets are limited to a maximum of 80 so the earlier you put your name down the better.
