The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87391   Message #2883483
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
10-Apr-10 - 04:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Foolstroup: "Your babbling that misuses terms and smears meanings with whatever YOU want at any moment to prove your point of the moment, is also proof positive that you are an ignorant loud mouth W*anker who CANNOT (and WILL NOT TRY TO) understand the Science! People HAVE tried - but you are so clever that you keep denying... you also believe that the Moon Landings are a faked Conspiracy too, doubtless..."

Apply that to yourself, because your losing it, pal....calm down.

Certain parts are warming, as I pointed out, (1500 miles west of South America), and some are not. Australia, according to you, is. Sawzaw shows different for North America...No need to get nasty and bitchy about it!

Up here we have crackpot politicians who are using the issue for their personal gain..which is not cool....some people get 'hot' about it. Up here, we are going through a waking up period for some, for whom some are FINALLY 'getting it'...on how much we have a lot of crooked politicians, who have exploited the 'Global Warming' issue for their personal self-aggrandizement. Along the way, they have deceived a whole lot of people, to gain their support. Gore is just one.

Now is you calm down, perhaps re-read some of the posts, you will not find others are half as belligerent as yourself. Look into what is being said, instead of re-acting like you are the only one with an 'inside track' on what is going on.

Perhaps, Australia IS going through a hot dry spell. A bit of Fosters should remedy that!...for the time being. You'd think that if the world was getting hotter, and Australia being an island/continent, you'd think it should be getting more humid............unless.......