The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2883662
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
10-Apr-10 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
""If Bobert or Amos ever had to admit they were wrong they would squeal like a stuck pig. They would squeal so loud it would be louder than 400,000 200 megaton nuclear warheads goin' off at the same time. Sawzaw.""

How loud are YOU going to squeal when you read what's below, and have to admit that YOU were wrong?

""Republicans reflected the public will with respect to health care. Every poll showed significant opposition to the health care legislation. By 2-1 the American people said stop it from passing. We tried to do that. But the Democrats were able to jam it through.   Sawzaw.""

""Although I am a Democrat, I personally believe it is better to do it the way Republicans do it. That way, a individual can research their favorite charities and foundations and give directly to them based on thier own beliefs. Sawzaw.""

Well folks, now we know how much credence to give to posts from Sawzaw, who is obviously a fully paid up member of the well known "Church of the Wholly Undecided".

The only thing he is absolutely sure of is that he is either a Republican or a Democrat, depending on his mood, and the current state of his short term memory.

I hope this will help him to come to terms with his political identity, should he ever find out what it is.

Don T.