The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128721   Message #2883981
Posted By: Bobert
10-Apr-10 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Replacing Justice Stevens (US Supreme Court)
Subject: RE: BS: Replacing Stevens
Well, Rigs... In these dire times when even the Repubs have Michael Steele as RNC chairman Redneck Nation has had to reach out... Actually, it is a misnomer that rednecks a Southern Baptists... Most that I know ain't church goin' folks... Cuts into their watching NASCAR's 24/7 programmin' on cable... No, really they ain't into church... But not to fear... I came accross this memo from one of the local churches with some ideas on how to get the rednecks into church and, well, it surprised me... Yup, they thinkin' of puttin' TV screens on the backs of the pews and then charging Billy Bob and Betty Joe for the headphones... I donno??? Seems a little sacreligous to me but, hey, I'm kinda an old fashioned church goer... You know, the kind who always has the program stuffed in the hymnal for the next hymn...

But, hey, I think it would do Redneck Nation a world of good to at least have to kick the beer cans outta the doorway of the double-wide on Sunday mornin' and head down to the local church...

"Let's got back to church
Yeah, let's got back to church
It's been so damned long
Let's go back to church"   (A3)

Now as for Steven's replacement??? All jokin' aside, it's a sad commentary on the direction of the country when the current court leftie was once considered a moderate conservative... And he swears he hasn't changed... Everything around him has... Our court is so way out of step that it is a joke... A very bad joke...
