The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128706   Message #2884116
Posted By: Suegorgeous
11-Apr-10 - 07:02 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Should Mudcat be updated?
Subject: RE: Tech: Should Mudcat be updated?
Tom F

Sorry, but while I can see that you make what are probably good and useful points, I think you may have rather shot yourself in the foot! I'm very computer-literate, but I don't understand a lot of the terms you use, and others may not either(?). For example, I have no idea what this actually means:

"...think how visualizations based on geo-tagging and mapping could enrich discussions of folk tradition by graphically showing how lyric variations have spread...."

... so I have no idea if I want it or not!

Maybe if you could explain these benefits in more everyday non-jargon language, some of us non-programmer types might agree with some of what you suggest...
