The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97099   Message #2884244
Posted By: GUEST,Gary
11-Apr-10 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: Damaged vocal Folds through Throat Clear
Subject: Sore throat for over 2 years (singing injury)

I was singing songs, belting and really straining my voice like really high and low. After a few days my voice almost disappeared. I rested for 6 weeks. Then I went to see a ENT. He looked down my throat with a laryngoscope thingy, and said he saw a wee bit of inflamation. He diagnosed me with vocal disphonia. I did 5 sessions with a vocal therapist. However, now for over 2 years, I still can't sing without hurting my throat. Even just light mild singing. I did some acupuncture and the area of my throat under my chin stopped hurting, but now my lower throat seems to ache more. Taking a ibuprofen or panadol helps temporarily relieve the pain, but it always comes back.

So I have no nodes etc. What the hell is wrong? Muscular, nerve, or what? Psychological? Tension? The even more strange thing is that when i get pain nervy kind of pain in my shoulder blade region from playing the guitar, the pain seems to subside a little. I'm begging for help. 3 ENT's and a Chinese doc later, and not a huge advance in recovery. Will I ever sing again?