The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2884299
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Apr-10 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Don, take note of something Sawzaw just said:

"The recent arms treaty is something I agree with. Right wing pundits are bitching about it just to have something to bitch about."

I enthusiastically agree with that. That is a clear case of Sawzaw agreeing with and approving something that Obama has done. Sawzaw has also said a number of positive things about Obama, in addition to disagreeing with some of Obama's policies, etc. Sawzaw is not, like so many others here, an instrument that can only play in one key or can only sound one note. His opinions are not one-dimensional. He has varied opinions about Obama...agreeing with some things Obama does, disagreeing with others.

And that is why I find what he says interesting. He's actually thinking about each matter on its own merits rather than just rushing blindly to the partisan barricades to hurl stones at "the other side".

Most of the people here don't do that. They simply, to paraphrase Sawzaw, can't get past that juvenile attitude toward forming up a gang to fight the other gang.

That's the thing I can't stand, and that's the thing I take issue with here all the time...that juvenile gang mentality. It's as one-dimensional and unthinking as an old John Wayne movie. It sees only the predetermined "good guys" and the predetermined "bad guys" that it has already decided upon (based on partisan labels), and is only out to attack and condemn on that basis.