The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24873   Message #288507
Posted By: Peter T.
31-Aug-00 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: Emmylou Harris Alert!
Subject: RE: Emmylou Harris Alert!
(Worth another trip, Joe, believe me).
As with virtually everything else, I am in total agreement with Cp. "The shadows filling up this land, are the ones I built with my own hand". Perfect line. As I have been working on open D, I went straight for this one. (can't do the 13th fret stuff alas). This song has the same quality as "Boulder to Birmingham" (a truly great song) -- she has the very rare ability to take old religious phrases and make them new, salting them with striking fresh images ("and the rock of ages I have known, is a weariness down in the bone"; "the last time I felt like this, I was in the wilderness and the canyon was on fire, and I stood on the mountain in the night and I watched it burn). It is impressive because it is so hard to do without it going really bad. Dylan (to connect threads) did it; Leonard Cohen overdid it, but made it work occasionally. This is a very elite league. It requires absolutely impeccable taste (in the artistic sense). I wonder where she got that style from -- not from Parsons, as far as I can tell.

yours, Peter T.