The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87391   Message #2885104
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
12-Apr-10 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Ah Amos....

The problem with those who have made little effort/progress in Science is - as I said just recently, it uses Inductive Reasoning [not indisputable 'facts' whispered in their ear by some personal magical invisible sky fairy, and from which all further 'facts' are generated by Deductive Reasoning], which is just a bunch of best guesses and subsequent tests, and it always keeps moving on.

Since even those at the cutting edge in an area of Science need to run flat out just to keep up with the pack, what can you expect from those with little or no training in the specific fields who get most of their obsolete info from people who are out of touch and don't understand things, and often are driven by primal fear or may even have a financial motive to make sure that no one else understands either.

Consider Galileo - the Church won at the time by bully tactics, but someone finally realised that they were now 600 years behind the times. Of course it did begin to be a little bizarre when the Pope was asking the world to pray for the three guys in danger in a damaged capsule in space, when what they were doing was based on the very idea that the Church had spent 600 years fighting... :-)

I'm not making this up you know...