The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128721   Message #2885269
Posted By: Bobert
12-Apr-10 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Replacing Justice Stevens (US Supreme Court)
Subject: RE: BS: Replacing Stevens (US Supreme Court)
Mouse has a purdy good idea here... An equally divided set of justices will always end up *having* to talk with one another, other than the usual football, resturants and shows...

Figuring out the verifications of leanings might prove difficult but not imposssible.... Just take a little work...

But back to the candidate...

My choice would be Robert Kennedy, Jr. because he is a known quantity and would represent progressive thinking... And that is a good thing cause...

...unlike Roberts, poeple will know what they are going to get... Alito??? Yeah, we knew we were gettin' another Clarence Thomas... Just the Archie Bunker variety...
