The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128741   Message #2885460
Posted By: GUEST
13-Apr-10 - 07:04 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Bread Rolls
Subject: RE: Folklore: Bread Rolls
Re: the nun's farts comment up there somewhere...
A friend of mine who is a patissier catering for the re-enactment market makes Whore's Farts (from a C18th recipe I believe). These are a very sweet semi-aerated meringue, not dissimilar to a cross between meringue and Edinburgh Castle Rock (for all of our trans-pond cousins, ECR is like sweet fruit flavoured chalk). They are small, and of a somewhat amusing shape.
She also sells them dipped in chocolate, which go by the non-authentic name of Skiddies.

As far as bread is concerned, her orthentic C13th gingerbrede balls (small spheres of breadcrumbs, honey, ginger, chilli and sandalwood powder) are to die for. Hot as Satan's undercrackers, but tastier.