The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5030   Message #28855
Posted By: Chris U
20-May-98 - 04:33 PM
Thread Name: What got you started?
Subject: RE: What got you started?
Ah, mine is a sad tale, but with a happy ending. Once upon a time I was engaged to be married, but it was not destined to be. Three years ago this June (and with three months to go before the big day) I learned that my intended did not share my enthusiasm for our impending nuptials and thus the engagement was terminated. I don't know whether it was the need to break out of the low period I found myself in or revenge, but a month later I withdrew all of the money I had saved for the honeymoon, walked into a music store and, with no prior interest or experience in playing an instrument, bought my first guitar. The rest, as they say, is history. I'm now what you would call an advanced beginner, but not a day goes by that I don't pick up my guitar.

Oh, about that happy ending - A year ago I married a wonderful girl who not only shares my enthusiasm for music, but who is learning to play bass as well. Life is good :-)
