The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128741   Message #2886496
Posted By: GUEST,MadauntieCat
14-Apr-10 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Bread Rolls
Subject: RE: Folklore: Bread Rolls
Sally Lunn is supposed to come from Sol et Lune- reference to the white cake with golden glaze?

Tiger loaves a la Asda are LUSH- the secret is they have sesame oil in the glaze, gives them the amazing smell.
I can burrow through the soft underbelly of one of those badboys in minutes. Pisses His Lordship right off, that does. (He's a slices-only man.)

Nobody's mentioned Heavy Cake or Fat Rascals yet, or even my favourite, proper saffron buns where you can properly taste the saffron.

Last comment for now, if you're in the south west (of UK! UK! UK!) search out a supplier of Hobb's House Bakery products. The best bread I've ever tasted.