The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128232   Message #2886696
Posted By: SINSULL
14-Apr-10 - 05:04 PM
Thread Name: Eruption has started in Iceland (20-Mar-2010)
Subject: RE: Eruption has started in Iceland just now
Katla may be coming alive:
Authorities monitoring Iceland's Katla volcano after eruption near glacier
By D. Scriber l Published: Monday, March 22 2010 17:25
Authorities are closely monitoring the Eyjafjallajokull and Myrdalsjokull glaciers in Iceland following a rare volcanic eruption in the country over the weekend that forced the evacuation of hundreds of people. Scientists have engaged in aerial surveys of the region to see if residents may return. Molten lava spewed from a rupture of the Katla volcano near the Eyjafjallajokull glacier over the weekend, as seen in the video below. RUV news in Iceland reported small earthquakes near the volcanic eruption early Monday, but worldwide earthquake data from the U.S. Geological Survey failed to confirm the activity. Katla is considered one of the most dangerous volcanos in Iceland and authorities, according to news reports, have a safety plan in place should it go off.