The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128838   Message #2886965
Posted By: Rowan
15-Apr-10 - 01:53 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Script Pop-Up on Mudcat????
Subject: RE: Tech: Script Pop-Up on Mudcat????
I don't have that problem but have frequently encountered another, which involves the click buttons on the main thread page.

Just above the list of threads is a little window with Mudcat FAQs as one of three options and a "Go" button alongside to click if you want to use it. Above (and to the right of that pair) is the 'time' filter (defaulted to "1 day") with a "Refresh" clickable button.

On innumerable occasions the names of the two buttons have been transposed and, occasionally both of them have the word "Go" displayed in them.

For a while it bothered me but I now ignore whatever the buttons display and just click on them; everything works OK. But I do wonder at it all.

Cheers, Rowan