The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128741   Message #2887057
Posted By: Rob Naylor
15-Apr-10 - 06:13 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Bread Rolls
Subject: RE: Folklore: Bread Rolls
LadyJean: In three months, God and my bushes willing, I will have a quart of red currants. Anyone have any ideas as to what I can do with them?

Easy...just eat 'em!!! That;s what happens in our home. A quart is about what we eat when we're picking the bushes. When we're absolutely *glutted* we make redcurrant jelly from the ones that survive long enough to get to the pan.

Same with blackcurrants...we eat what we can and make jam with the rest.

I've never understood it when people say that red or black currants are "too tart" to eat neat. To me (and the rest of our family) they taste fabulous. But then we use about 2/3 of the sugar in jam and jelly recipes and about 1/2 the sugar given in cake and biscuit recipes, so maybe we're not as infected with sweet tooth syndrome as some. We can't stand shop-bought cakes: FAR too sweet.