The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128741   Message #2887424
Posted By: Adeleh
15-Apr-10 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Bread Rolls
Subject: RE: Folklore: Bread Rolls
This is a great thread! Now, the crumpet/pikelet/pancake thing had me completely baffled - thanks Marje! I always thought crumpets were made with a mold, pikelets without, so they spread and were more ragged. But why you'd call them a pancake...

But where do American pancakes come in? Are they the same as the French ones? And is that a drop scone, or is that something else altogether?

I always thought a pancake was the same thing (but a bit fatter if my Mum cooked it) to a crepe - no difference in diameter, you know, the big thing you eat with lemon and sugar and toss every February.
