The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128156   Message #2887809
Posted By: GUEST,Steamin' Willie
16-Apr-10 - 06:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
Subject: RE: BS: Clerical child abuse Part 94....
For me, it is quite simple;

In most civilised countries, it is against the law to suppress crime from the relevant authorities. Ergo, it is a crime to order your employees not to report serious crime by other employees if you are aware of it.

Quite simply, I wonder how the Pope can now visit other countries without relying on diplomatic immunity?

the thought of him being welcomed by our politicians when he visits the UK later this year is not an image I am looking forward to seeing. Politicians will be tolerant of this cover up merchant for one cynical reason; He still has followers who are so brainwashed that they believe he cannot do wrong, and these misguided souls have votes.....

the dichotomy here is interesting; I don't believe in a police state any more than anybody else, but if I made a stance to say that anything said to me regarding crime whilst sitting in a large box was information I cannot pass onto the authorities, I would be in breach not only of the law, (which is not infallible of course) but also in breach of common decency and civilised behaviour.

Like I said on another thread before it was deleted, if any good is to come of this it is for people to wake up to how organised religions really are an irrelevant paper tiger. they only have power because people bestow that power in them. if politicians felt ignoring them would not lose votes, they would not get the time of day from anybody...

Your choice, your perpetuation of control mechanisms or your realisation that it is possible to enjoy life without feeling guilty about it. After all, you won't be judged in the afterlife 'cos guess what???