The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128867   Message #2888047
Posted By: Marje
16-Apr-10 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: Success in the Folk World?????
Subject: RE: Success in the Folk World?????
You've hit on an important point there, Banjiman. For many of us who play/sing in an informal, amateur way, "success" may have nothing to do with making money. It may be learning to play an instrument, discovering how to sing harmonies, or simply finding a whole new social life through folk music. I'd say my involvement in folk music is hugely successful in personal terms but I've rarely made any money from it (nothing like as much as I've spent on it!).

But I suppose the original question was about the minority who do all this and also want to make a living from it. And I honestly don't know what the secret is - obviously, because if I knew how to make a living from having this much fun, I'd be rich and famous by now!
