The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128867   Message #2888466
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
17-Apr-10 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: Success in the Folk World?????
Subject: RE: Success in the Folk World?????
As for being so-and-so's kid, obviously it's helpful in any field! And although I don't really take a great deal of notice of the commercial side of the folk scene, it's only recently dawned on me how many of the younger acts were 'raised in the tradition' and are second generation folk artists. While this might look superficially like nepotism, without the second generation of artists, frankly I don't really know how many (if indeed any?) younger artists there would be making this music and taking it to a wider audience?

But are average folkies 'deluded' in imagining they are equal in talent or ability as successful artists? I'd say I've met a few who are naturally extremely talented and many others who are not so talented. A few might possibly have the *potential* to be at least as good as any of the more successful acts out there that I've come across, but I've not heard them complaining about their lack of breaks or indeed comparing themselves to anyone successful.