The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9275   Message #288890
Posted By: Áine
31-Aug-00 - 08:22 PM
Thread Name: The ' fada ' in Irish vowels
Subject: RE: The ' fada ' in Irish vowels
I've noticed the problem too, Philippa. It's been 'off and on' all day. But, I admit to being a bit confused about your html code advice. Are you saying that I shouldn't use the ampersand/letter/acute/semi-colon method anymore, and instead, use the four character symbols on the webpage you cited? Does it make a difference as to which web browser one uses as to which one recognizes which kind of html code method? Do older browsers 'see' the characters the same way, or differently from the newer browsers?

I think I'm off to send a message to Joe Offer or Pene Azul. I'm stumped on this one. It might just be a temporary episode with the Mudcat browswer.

-- Aine