The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128721   Message #2888925
Posted By: Bobert
17-Apr-10 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Replacing Justice Stevens (US Supreme Court)
Subject: RE: BS: Replacing Stevens (US Supreme Court)
Well, I donno, Dave... I mean, the current batch is the *LAW OF THE LAND* (Sorry for the CAPs) seein' as they can trump anything that the the legislature passes with the support of the president... Well, I reckon they have always been able to do that except we go thru some rather peaceful times when they don't go *activist*... So I could see that if, ahhhhh, Justice Sotomeyer were to get a parking ticket in the wrong *political district* that the righties could try to get her off the court and then leave it up to their buds in Congress to gum up the process of Obama getting much more than Jesus thru confirmation???

Like I said, Dave, I donno... I hate to say it but it could happen... I mean, these Repubs are so pissed off about Obama that they could use the Supremes to really mess with him... Of course, in doing so, they would be messin' with the country but, hey, if "Joe Sixpack can't take a joke..."... The scarey thing about all this is that the Repubs will do anything to get their ***rightfull position*** back as the failures they were??? I mean, it's like the .091 hitter asking the coach to put him in in the bottom of the 9th to win the game??? I mean, the...

Awwww, nevermind... It's all a waste of time...
