The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128889   Message #2889506
Posted By: Max
18-Apr-10 - 11:04 PM
Thread Name: Max's Mudcat Upgrade PermaThread
Subject: RE: Max's Mudcat Upgrade PermaThread
OK, I spent my Sunday going through the links by hand and cleaned them all up.

I also put some time into a new search I'm experimenting with. Try it out on the dev site. It's the Google one below the Standard Mudcat Search, and it appears elsewhere as Max's Handmade Magic Search.

Added a print function to the DT to give you a nice clean print of songs.

I want to get started on more tools for research and song harvesting.

Also, the me and the Vols do thread grouping and DT linking. I'd like to make it a bit smoother and open that process up to a lot more of you.

As for member profile features, at the moment I'm satisfied with 3 links for you. One can link to a profile or blog like facebook or Google, one can link to a photo page like Flikr or Picassa, and one can link to a site that has your music. has to stay light, and the only way to truly accomplish that is to have everything heavy offsite. Users with more bandwidth can choose to take those links.

that's all for now.