The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128907   Message #2889540
Posted By: alanabit
19-Apr-10 - 12:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Saturday Morning Matinee
Subject: BS: Saturday Morning Matinee
Some unashamedly nostalgic bullshit... Yesterday I was telling my eleven year old son about the Saturday morning cinema matinees, which I had attended as a kid. You would be there with hundreds of other pre-pubescent little treasures. Some smarmy old git, looking a bit like the nasty uncle from "Tommy" would try to lead the singing of a dreadful ditty, which opened "Here come we all on Saturday morning/Greeting everybody with a smile". Then you had to stand up for the national anthem and after that the films would start. There were a couple of cartoons, then a serial (I can recall "Ali and the Talking Camel" was one of them). Then the main feature - often a terrible B movie - would follow. Brave cavalrymen would arrive at the last second to deliver heroic wagon trains from dastardly Indians. (The "history" was abominable, but the entertainment was perfect). Lassie would save the US army - or whatever. Bad boys got slugged on the kisser and had wonderfully bad names, like Bitter Creek...
Can you share your memories or remind me of things I have forgotten?