The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128749   Message #2890291
Posted By: Ron Davies
19-Apr-10 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin: She's at it again
Subject: RE: BS: Palin: She's at it again
"...piano player in a whorehouse". Well, that's a relief. At least no students are being subjected to the patented Greg F method of teaching.

But I'll have to admit I was unfair in stating that he has obviously never done research.

It's certainly possible that he has attempted to do research.   My assertion was not justified.

So we must consider other reasons for his lack of recognition of my elementary observation on sources.

1) His fragile ego cannot stand the awful admission that somebody else may be correct--and that he is not.

2) His ideological blinders are on so tight that he cannot fathom anything outside his narrow world view.

3) He just likes to run off at the mouth, and doesn't mean to be taken seriously.

Being full of the milk of human kindness, I will venture that the truth is probably mostly #2, with a bit of #3. (But who knows, #1 may play a role also.)

I on the other hand am always willing to admit error.   In fact I am still patiently waiting for the poster in question to tell me exactly why I am wrong on my data on Sweden--specifically that "Sweden's industry is overwhelmingly in private control" and "Sweden has always provided solid support for free trade (except agriculture) and strong property rights".

But as I noted earlier, it looks like it will be a long wait for dear Greg to refute these points.

His ship is still sinking.

As I observed earlier, he could easily remedy his problem by the simple expedient of starting to think---before posting.

Which, unfortunately, doesn't look likely any time soon.